A leader dedicated to National and Public Service

Alex has served at virtually every Minnesota political level from Precinct Chairman to RNC National Committeeman over the course his 20 years as a Minnesota Republican activist.
His dedication to the Minnesota Republican Party has been demonstrated time and again over every election cycle since he first dipped his toe in the water in 2004. Of note is that Alex was the only member within the Minnesota RNC contingent who did not miss a single RNC meeting or training event. He ensured that the interests and the voices of Minnesota were consistently represented at every level of decision-making. That’s dedication.

Alex’s history of leadership is proven, encompassing a broad range of environments from intense military situations to corporate operations, non-profit board leadership, and political organizations (see Biography). In his most recent role at the RNC, Alex played a crucial role in amplifying Minnesota’s influence within the Republican National Committee. Because of his skillful navigation among the relational corridors of the RNC, ensuring that our state’s voice resonated loud and clear, he was recognized by many RNC members as evidenced by the scores of endorsements he received earlier this year (see Endorsements)
By forging strong connections with numerous RNC members, including a close relationship with RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, Alex had positioned himself at the heart of the committee’s decision-making process and his involvement extended deeply into a number of strategic areas.
Alex’s history of effective leadership will help bring a sense of trust back to the state executive commit
tee, both among its members and with those to whom we are accountable, i.e. the State Central Committee – and by extension, all Republican activists in our state. He intends to bring the kind of transparency members of the State Central Committee have been wanting back to the state executive committee and to structure the MNGOP office to be far more responsive, cordial, and cooperative.

During his time on the state executive committee, Alex proved that he was an independent thinker, relying on facts and a sense of doing the right thing, rather than going with the flow or acquiescing to any particular agenda. A case in point was the Ottertail County debacle during which he repeatedly went on record to state that “the remedy was worse than the malady.” He still feels that way.
In addition, in the runup to the January 2023 RNC Chair election, he did something novel … he reached out to every member of the SCC and asked for their input, speaking to dozens if not hundreds of delegates and alternates. The overwhelming response was that a change in leadership was desired and he voted accordingly … the only Minnesota RNC member to do so.