A Lifetime of Leadership and Public Service
A Marine who subscribes to the virtue of Service over Self.
A Patriot in perpetuity.
A Lifetime of Leadership and Public Service
A Marine Who
Subscribes to the Virtue
of Service Over Self.
A Patriot in Perpetuity.

Two Decades of Uninterrupted
Republican Leadership.

— A Fresh Start for the MNGOP —

Alex has served at virtually every Minnesota political level from Precinct Chairman to RNC National Committeeman over the course of his 20 years as a Minnesota Republican activist. His dedication to the Minnesota Republican Party has been demonstrated time and again over every election cycle since he first dipped his toe in the water in 2004 Read More
Alex’s history of leadership is proven, encompassing a broad range of environments from intense military situations to corporate operations, non-profit board leadership, and political organizations (see Biography). In his most recent role at the RNC, Alex played a crucial role in amplifying Minnesota’s influence within the Republican National Committee.
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During his time on the state executive committee, Alex proved that he was an independent thinker, relying on facts and a sense of doing the right thing, rather than going with the flow or acquiescing to any particular agenda. A case in point was the Ottertail County debacle during which he repeatedly went on record to state that “the remedy was worse than the malady.” He still feels that way. Read More
Alex’s Guiding Principles
Protecting the U.S. Constitution
Sanctity of Life
Importance of Family
Individual Responsibility
Securing Our Borders
A Strong National Defense
Personal Responsibility
Preeminence of Parental Rights in School
Community Support of Law Enforcement

Early Life and Education:
First-generation American, grew up in suburban Chicago, graduated from Oak Park & River Forest High School in 1971.
Graduated with Distinction from the U.S. Naval Academy with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering being the top-ranked Marine Officer and Aerospace Engineer in his class.
Nominated for a Rhodes scholarship, declined offers from Princeton, Cal Tech, and MIT for a Guggenheim Fellowship to accept a Burke Scholarship.
Earned an MBA from the University of Chicago.
Military Career:
- Graduated at the top of his class from the Marine Corps Basic School at Quantico.
Chose to attend flight school over becoming an infantry officer.
- Designated Jet Student Naval Aviator of the Year, transitioning to the F-4 Phantom II.
Appeared in the movie “The Great Santini” during filming at MCAS Beaufort, SC.
- Retired as a Lt. Colonel after Operation Desert Storm.
Professional Career:
Held executive roles at Exxon and Oracle, transitioned to finance and investment banking.
Naval and Civic Engagement:
- Board member and finance chair at Perpich Center for Arts Education in Minnesota.
- Served twelve years as President & Chairman of Tee it Up for the Troops, Inc.
- Upper Midwest Chapter President of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association for 10 years.
- Deacon at Christ Presbyterian Church of Edina, managed a major program for homeless families.
- Volunteer firefighter for 16 years.
Political Involvement:
- Active in Minnesota politics since 2004, serving various roles from Precinct Chairman to Congressional District Vice-Chair.
- Represented Minnesota at the RNC National Conventions in 2008 and 2016.
- Founded MORVets the Minnesota Organization of Republican Veterans.
- Currently in his third term on the Wayzata City Council, hosted numerous political fundraisers.
- Former RNC National Committeeman for Minnesota.